Entering Into 2 Years of Developing My Botanical Art

I have learned a lot these past 2 years....lots of ups and downs.....but I still really love to make beautiful things from nature.  I tell myself if I lose the passion to create botanical art then it is time to move on but that hasn't happened and really cant imagine my daily life without it.

I have many many ideas but not enough hours in the day OR not enough days off from my real job to get everything done I want to get done. I am still a one-woman show so trying to get everything done has been a real challenge for me. I want to get my website updated, start planning for Fall and Christmas, purchase my supplies and just keep everything organized. Getting it all done has been my biggest challenge but know when the time is right it will all come together. 

a couple things that I am learning more about are

1. Patience.....this is something that I have to work on but is well worth it when you see the end result. Don't rush things, step back and let things develop, keep your frustrations in check and keep it all in perspective as my husband tells me.

2. Trial and error....wow…...I know that it may take me a few times to get things just right. I have started writing my steps down such as how long it takes a certain flower to dry, the best way to dry a certain flower, or how long to let the resin sit. The notes I take can be invaluable cause I have learned.....I think I will remember something but I don't. One thing I do know is each time a complete a process I will get a little better....nothing stays the same....so you might as well keep improving on what you are doing.

I am very thankful for all I have accomplished and excited to continue on wherever it takes me. For now I am working on Fall and Christmas and hope to get my website updated....we will see!!

Laura Marie Baxa


Laura Baxa